Coming in at just shy of 700 pages, expectations were high that the Scottish Government’s independence white paper would answer some of the crucial questions facing the nation – pensions, the pound and Europe to name but three.
The white paper is heavy on rhetoric but light on those all important details. Indeed rarely have so many words been used to answer so little.
The people to whom I speak want answers. I think they will be sorely disappointed.
In contrast to the razzmatazz to be found at the Glasgow Science Centre today, I was a the Edinburgh BioQuarter where I heard about the incredible work going on there, including work with stem cell research to help those with diseases such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

As well as experiencing the latest in eye scanning technology at i2eyediagnostics, I also met Neil Paterson at Aquila Biomedical. This was a young man who spoke passionately and enthusiastically about the exciting opportunities the life sciences sector had to offer. He was clear that he had options to work outside Scotland but was choosing to stay because of the world class facilities we have to offer.
These research facilities are among the beneficiaries of the union – funding, collaboration and expertise are all easier without borders and with the stability that comes from being part of the UK.
That’s what matters to me - making a positive difference to people’s lives throughout Scotland. I don’t care about the triumph of style over substance that is the white paper. At the end of the day it’s nothing more than a wish list with no price list.
Comment by Ron Maclean posted on
When are you going to answer the questions posed by David Wilson on 25/11/13
Comment by Angus McPhee posted on
So when did you actually read it?
Comment by E M Davies posted on
If Scotland becomes an independent nation, will Scottish nationals still be eligible to stand for the English Parliament?
Comment by Wee Folding Bike posted on
Is this blog using government resources to forward a narrow political point? Are the people of Scotland paying for this blog?
Comment by William Duguid posted on
And currently coming in just shy of 1 page is the No Campaign's document outlining the positive effects of staying in the Union.
How will things be Better Together?
Will they even stay the same, after the next round of austerity cuts and the filleting all three main Unionist parties would like to give to the Barnett Formula?
I can't see how I'm going to feel Better under the Union. Right now I'm not sure it's even going to make me want to get out of bed in the morning.
Comment by Tris posted on
I think Nicola was looking for answers too...
None were forthcoming.
Comment by cynicalHighlander posted on
Hope over despair.
Comment by Ron Strathdee posted on
When are you going to produce a document agreed by all parties that describes what people voting no are actually voting for?
Comment by pictishbeastie posted on
I love these comedy blogs!
Comment by Doug posted on
There are many answers. You disagree with them. That is entirely reasonable, so you should address and rebut them. Saying there are none is foolhardy, given that the FAQs section alone has 650.
Comment by Rod Robertson posted on
Phew ,nice to see you are ok Alastair after that hugely humiliating experience for you on Scotland Tonight with Nicola Sturgeon.
It is a terrible thing living within yourself knowing you are over promoted.
It is terrible to know that intellectually you are not up to a job entrusted to you by the people of the Northern Isles.
However to be so publically outed in front of the TV cameras must be almost unbareable for you to take.
for the entire nation to know that Westminster's man in Scotland is so devoid of the basic facts for his role in keeping all those troughers in gravy is bad enough ,however to be shown to be such a fearty in the face of a rather petite lady is completely and utterly embarrassing.
We all know that in British Politics there is no longer any honour ,if there was an ounce in you ,your immediate resignation as SOs would already be on Cameron's desk.
Your resignation as MP and trougher for O&S should also be forthcoming.
Bet you are glad that as a Liberal neither honour ,or honesty are expected from you.
Comment by DaveO posted on
Will you as a representative of the UK government in London commit that same government, right now, to 100% refusing a currency union with Scotland if there is a YES vote?
Comment by Andy-B posted on
Ironic that the Secretary of Portsmouth Mr Carmichael couldn't answer ONE NOT ONE of Nicola Sturgeons questions on STV's debate, yet heads his blog with the title still no answers.
Does anyone really take this man seriously, or his project fear camp Me thinks not. PS this site and his 300 days to go site, constantly delete comments
Comment by Douglas Erdman posted on
The best thing the No campaign can do is to acknowledge the elephant in the room (in the country in fact) which is the devo max issue.There is a genuine democratic deficit with the single question referendum foisted on us by Westminster and the SNP. A democratic deficit because it is clear that a significant majority of Scots would support devo.max, whereas whichever way the vote goes next September it will be divisive for our country (whether we define that as Scotland or as the UK), with a likely slim majority in one direction and a big minority feeling a major loss. You need to energise the Better Together campaign by banging political heads together across the union partners, to set out something meaningful on the issue of further powers for Edinburgh if we stay with the union through a No vote.
Comment by Dr Miller posted on
Still looking for answers from the No campaign Alistair! What'll happen if we vote no, what new powers would the Scottish Parliament get and how would the necessary legislation be enacted, what likely consequences would it have for the Barnett formula and the West Lothian question...
Until such answers are available, I'd strongly advise against similarly named articles as this one!
Comment by Andy-B posted on
Still deleting comments TISK! TISK! TISK!...Pathetic.
Comment by Martin posted on
Speaking of unanswered questions...Alistair, can I remind you, we're still waiting to hear the case for remaining in the union. It looks like you're getting replaced soon, so please pass this request on to the next expendable quisling that Westminster throws to the lions. Before you go, can you give your mate Dave Cameron a call (if you can find him) and tell him Alex Salmond wants a word. He wants to speak to the organ grinder. Cheers.
Comment by marionmackay posted on
There's a wealth of information in the Scotland analysis papers which have already been published by HM Treasury to help to inform the debate about Scotland's constitutional future - and there will be more papers in 2014. You can find these on our website:
Comment by X_Sticks posted on
"expectations were high that the Scottish Government’s independence white paper would answer some of the crucial questions facing the nation – pensions, the pound and Europe to name but three."
I challenge you once again Mr carmichael.
All three of these questions are questions that the westminster government COULD answer but choose not to.
None of these questions CAN be answered by the Scottish government until after the referendum.
Why won't your westminster government anwer these questions?
At least the Scottish government are trying to give us answers. The same cannot be said of westminster, they, and you, seem to prefer to continue to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt rather than provide answers. Are you scared of the answers Mr Carmichael?
Comment by X_Sticks posted on
I'd like to know why my comment challenging Mr Carmichael to answer some questions has been removed.
Questions to awkward for you Mr Carmichael?
Comment by Paul posted on
I hope you are proud of yourself for siding with the Tories and for continually running Scotland down. Why are you in the job that you wanted removed ? It just shows how 2 faced you are. The yes campaign will win they offer hope for the future .What does staying in this union offer?
Comment by Barry Farquharson posted on
Can you please point me to where I can find the "Positive Case for the Union"?
I've looked everywhere, and I've heard it mentioned a lot, but Nessie would be easier to find, it seems.
Will it be in the No campaign's "what to expect in the case of a No vote" paper that the Electoral Commision has said must be produced and circulated by 21st December, or will this be ignored like other Electoral Commision guidelines?
Comment by marionmackay posted on
HM Treasury have already published a number of Scotland analysis papers to help to inform the debate about Scotland's constitutional future and there will be more in 2014. These - and other referendum related information - are all available here: