In the wake of last month’s historic referendum on Scottish independence, work is now continuing apace to deliver more powers for the Scottish Parliament as the three main UK party leaders pledged ahead of the vote.
Just this week we have – as we promised – published a Command Paper which sets out the parties’ existing positions and I have made a statement in the House of Commons. MPs also turned out in force for Tuesday’s debate on devolution. It was, in fact, published two weeks before the deadline that we had set.
We have also seen the Scottish Parliament announce details of the new Scottish Land and Buildings Transactions Tax – which is being introduced from April as a result of further powers which had previously been devolved.
Meanwhile the Smith Commission has begun its work and is inviting individuals and organisations to have their say about what further powers they think should be devolved. The commission will report by St Andrews Day and we are on track to have legislative proposals in place by Burns Night.
During the referendum campaign we set out a timetable for the devolution of further powers and we’re not only meeting it, we’re beating it.
I’m clear that the people of Scotland voted for constitutional change and for a stronger Scottish Parliament as part of the UK in the referendum – and that’s what we are delivering. We pledged further devolution and we will deliver on that promise.
I know not everybody was satisfied by the outcome of the referendum and that was inevitable after what was a passionate campaign. However, we live in a democracy and I would urge everybody to work together now to get the best possible result for Scotland, bearing in mind that the referendum result made clear that the majority of people in Scotland want a strong devolved parliament as part of the UK.
Now is not the time for squabbling or picking fights. What we need to see is constructive dialogue as we all move on from being part of being the 55% or the 45% to working for 100% of the people in Scotland.
Our timetable is demanding but that is because the demand is there in Scotland. And it is a demand we shall meet.
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