Today the Scotland Bill, delivering the Smith Commission Agreement in full, will be debated in the House of Commons for the first time. It is the next step in turning Holyrood into a powerhouse Parliament.
It is what the majority of Scots voted for in the referendum. It is what we promised to do. It is what we will deliver.
When the Bill comes into force, the Scottish Parliament will become responsible for raising the lion's share of its budget - and accountable to Scottish taxpayers for how it does so.
MSPs at Holyrood will have to debate where the bands and thresholds of income tax should be set - not just how the budgets are spent. Both sides of the Scottish taxpayer's coin will be a part of the political equation for the first time.
With more powers over welfare on the way too, the Scottish Government will be faced with some significant choices. If they want to spend more, or pay higher welfare benefits, they will have the power to do so. But they will need to decide where the money to pay for it will come from - in higher taxes or increased borrowing.
In the weeks since the Scotland Bill was published, the debate in Scottish politics has moved on from 'what' new powers should be devolved, to 'how' the Scottish Government will use the powers coming its way.
The Scotland Bill and the new powers it contains are ripe with possibility. We can provide Scottish solutions to Scottish problems, while retaining the strength and security of being part of a family of nations.
The debate about our country's constitutional future during the referendum was full-hearted and extensive. It resulted in a clear and decisive verdict in favour of remaining part of the UK. That was the sovereign will of the Scottish people.
Now let's bring our United Kingdom together in common purpose and dedicate all our efforts to securing the best possible future for the people of Scotland.
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